We deliver a wide range of services embraced with high-end technologies, productive methods and easy access.

  • Executive Search

    We are equipped with a team of highly qualified professionals to provide recruitment assistance to choose qualified candidates for senior-level executive jobs across public and private sectors. Through this practice we aim to deliver top talents to organisations to foster their growth and fulfill our strategic objectives. We have wide contact network, industry knowledge and internal resources to identify the right people specific to each client organizations.
  • Greenfield recruitment
    The most suitable method of hiring for companies looking for bulk recruitment in all verticals in a shortspan of time. Companies even after having necessary resources find it difficult to source the right candidate on their own. We assist the companies with the recruitment procedures and ensure that the right candidates with right attitudes are recruited within the right time frame.
  • Plant level recruitment
    Dynamic and high skilled talents are required to work in diverse positions at industries running in power plant sector. With our extensive network resources we provide enthusiastic personnel to feed the requirements of the power sector. We deliver contractual as well as permanent employees, single as well as bulk recruitment solutions as per the requirements.
  • Campus recruitment
    Hiring intelligent and fresh talents through various levels of assessments results in providing the most eligible Candidates to the clients. Campus recruitment and campus placements enable companies to choose the best candidates from a wide range of energetic and skillful talents. We offer campus recruitment services for the companies and colleges to meet the end to end needs of our community.